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Open Sources/Openstack

Openstack Instance를 Image로 만드는 방법

by 화뉘 2016. 8. 18.

Create a snapshot of the instance

  1. Shut down the source VM before you take the snapshot to ensure that all data is flushed to disk. If necessary, list the instances to view the instance name:

    $ nova list
    | ID                                   | Name       | Status | Networks                     |
    | c41f3074-c82a-4837-8673-fa7e9fea7e11 | myInstance | ACTIVE | private=             |
  2. Use the nova stop command to shut down the instance:

    $ nova stop myInstance
  3. Use the nova list command to confirm that the instance shows a SHUTOFF status:

    $ nova list
    | ID                                   | Name       | Status  | Networks         |
    | c41f3074-c82a-4837-8673-fa7e9fea7e11 | myInstance | SHUTOFF | private= |
  4. Use the nova image-create command to take a snapshot:

    $ nova image-create --poll myInstance myInstanceSnapshot
    Instance snapshotting... 50% complete
  5. Use the nova image-list command to check the status until the status is ACTIVE:

    $ nova image-list
    | ID                                   | Name                            | Status | Server |
    | 657ebb01-6fae-47dc-986a-e49c4dd8c433 | cirros-0.3.2-x86_64-uec         | ACTIVE |        |
    | 72074c6d-bf52-4a56-a61c-02a17bf3819b | cirros-0.3.2-x86_64-uec-kernel  | ACTIVE |        |
    | 3c5e5f06-637b-413e-90f6-ca7ed015ec9e | cirros-0.3.2-x86_64-uec-ramdisk | ACTIVE |        |
    | f30b204e-1ce6-40e7-b8d9-b353d4d84e7d | myInstanceSnapshot              | ACTIVE |        |

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