Infra44 Jenkins with iOS Build Inject environment variables to the build processAPI_KEY=.BUILD_SECRET=.EMAILS=. Build #!/bin/bash -lcd ${WORKSPACE}#ruby ../build.rbrm -rf buildmkdir buildtouch build/notes.txt#touch build/note.txtxcodebuild archive -workspace project.xcworkspace -scheme project -configuration Debug -archivePath build/project.xcarchive | xcprettyxcodebuild -exportArchive -archivePath build/project.xcarchive -ex.. 2018. 11. 21. Jenkins with Android Build Inject environment variables to the build processANDROID_HOME=/Users/dhdev/Library/Android/sdkEMAILS=...API_KEY=.BUILD_SECRET=. Buildcd ${WORKSPACE}/Project/pwdrm -f notes.txttouch notes.txt#rm -f note.txt#touch note.txt./gradlew assembleGooglePlayStoreDev -x lint After Buildecho ${GIT_BRANCH}-${GIT_COMMIT} >> Project/notes.txtdate +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" >> Project/notes.txtecho "" >> Project/note.. 2018. 11. 21. JIRA Issue List filter Add this build stepUse the "Progress JIRA issues by workflow action" or "Move issues matching JQL to the specified version" with JQL like:issue in (${JIRA_ISSUES})그 외엔 위의 리스트가 안먹힘 2017. 7. 24. Jenkins Project 마다 permission 설정 Configure Global Security에서 계정에 overall-read 권한을 부여원하는 Job의 Enable project-based security 를 선택하고원하는 permission을 부여하면 특정 job을 특정 user에서 permission을 지정할 수 있다. 2017. 2. 10. 이전 1 2 3 4 5 ··· 11 다음